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Apple Pie

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Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 4.08.31 PM.png


Combine 2 and 1/2 cups flour with 

1 and 3/4 teaspoon salt

Add  3/4 cup chilled lard or vegetable shortening

3 tablespoons cold butter

Cut half of the shortening into the flour mixture with a pastry blender or work it in with the tips of your fingers until it has the consistency of cornmeal.  Cut the remaining half into the dough until it is pea-sized.  Sprinkle the dough with:

6 tablespoons ice water or vodka(Note: I read that it is better to use vodka ,than water for a more consistent crust) I will try the vodka next time and let you know my experience.

Blend the water gently into the dough until it just holds together.  If necessary to hold the ingredients together add:

1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon ice water

Divide the dough in half, shape each into a disk, and wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 min. or up to 12 hours.  


Rolling Dough- Roll dough on a cold smooth surface. Lightly flour the work area. Place the dough in the center of the floured surface. Exerting pressure on the pin, roll the dough from the center out in all directions, in order to keep the dough in a circular shape.  Scatter a little more flour on the work surface as you roll and move the dough frequently. Roll the dough into a circle about 3-4 inches wider than your pan.  Transfer the rolled dough to the pan y rolling it loosely around the pin, centering the pin over the pan and then unrolling the dough. Use your fingers to press the dough firmly into the pan.  Trim the edges of the dough, leaving an overhang of 3/4 inch. After filling the crust with apples, roll the top crust the same way and center on top over the filling.  Squeeze together the top and bottom crust to bond them . I push down around the edges with a fork, as well as to pierce the top with a few fork holes for ventilation




Peel ,core and slice a little thicker than 1/4 inch:

3 pounds apples (6-8 large apples) Golden delicious and Granny Smith apples are good.

Heat in a very wide skillet over high heat until sizzling and fragrant 

3 tablespoons of butter

Add the apples and toss until glazed with butter.  Reduce the heat to medium,cover and cook, stirring frequently , until the apples are softened on the outside but still slightly crunchy,5-7 minutes. Stir in:

3/4 cup sugar

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/8 teaspoon salt

Increase the heat to high and cook the apples at a rapid boil until the juices become thick and syrupy, about 3 min. spread the apples in a thin layer on a baking sheet, and let them cool to room temp. Position a rack in the lower third of the oven.  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Pour the apple mixture into the bottom crust.  Cover with the pricked top crust.  Bake until the crust is browned and the  filling has begun to bubble, about 30-40 min.  Let cool on a rack about 3-4 hours.

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